The University of Auckland

Project #15: Internet of Things enabled Smart AGVs for Industry 4.0



Smart factory, one of the key concepts in Industry 4.0, refers to a highly automatic and intelligent manufacturing environment equipping with advanced technologies like Internet of Things (IoT). It requires logistics automation within a manufacturing site such as a shop floor. Automated guided vehicle (AGV) systems may be one solution. When using an AGV for automatic logistics within manufacturing sites, there are several challenges. Firstly, current approaches mainly use fixed guidepaths for navigating an AGV. In a cyber-manufacturing paradigm, the infrastructures may be changed frequently because of the shift of production modes. Therefore, a more flexible solution is required. Secondly, positioning accuracy plays an important role in ensuring the production efficiency and effectiveness since AGVs have to move materials at the right time and right place.

This project mainly looks at the smart logistics by making full use of some cutting-edge technologies such as IoT specifically radio frequency identification (RFID) technology and wireless manufacturing so as to achieve automatic material delivery within the smart factory. The smart AGVs could be also controlled through wireless devices which could be operated by logistics workers to improve the manufacturing efficiency and effectiveness. A feasible prototype systems with smart factory scenarios will be demonstrated in this project so that industry companies especially small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs) in New Zealand could be benefited from the wave of Industry 4.0.











Smart Manufacturing Systems Lab (201.439, Lab)