The University of Auckland

Project #104: AR/VR Perceptual Training




Perceptual abilities can be affected by various conditions and also naturally decline with age. However, it has been shown that perceptual training can be used to mitigate decline and for rehabilitation.


AR and VR are increasingly being used to diagnose, treat and manage a wide range of health issues. However, a significant portion of these virtual diagnostic and treatment tools have been designed and developed for specific use cases. There exists little prior work that has incorporated a wide range of tools and techniques into a single platform to deliver rehabilitation services.


In previous work we developed in collaboration with researchers from Audiology bi-modal (audition and vision) AR and/or VR platform to deliver rehabilitation services to individuals diagnosed with tinnitus and balance disorders. In this research we will improve the prototype to make it more suitable for clinical research. This includes an improve interface for clinical users and in particular mechanisms to enable/disable parts of the environment (unisensory vs. multisensory stimulation), a suitable patient interface, improved tools for assessing/recording patient’s perceptions and reactions, investigating the use of different HMDs with eye tracking, adding new virtual environments and extending existing ones to allow patients longer and more stimulating explorations.









Good self-learning abilities (get familiar with a game development tool)

Interested in new technologies

Familiarity, or an interest in game development


Suggest and implement design approaches that maximise benefits for the end user

Proactive and able to work to deadlines (ethics deadlines, user study)









Graphics Lab (303S.595, Lab)