The University of Auckland

Project #111: AR Piano Tutor




Music is an important way for humans to express themselves, unite, relate, and gain enjoyment. While many people desire for themselves, or their loved ones, to achieve some form of musical prowess, the discipline remains encumbered by low motivation and high dropout rates. This is despite long established trends between exposure to learning an instrument and enhanced cognitive development. Existing research suggests that such issues may stem from the lack of perceived progress during the early stages of music instruction.


In this project we will use Augmented Reality to make the piano learning process easier and more enjoyable. We will evaluate the current state of the art of AR piano tutoring and based on this propose novel concepts to improve learning outcomes. The research will build on previous projects conducted by the supervisor’s research group. Possible research goals are increasing motivation using gamification, teaching sight reading, the use of multi-modal feedback and sensor fusion to improve learners’ skills, or a combination of multiple of these topics. The exact research question will depend on the results of the literature review and the student’s skills, preferences, and opportunities for creating publishable research.







Good self-learning abilities (get familiar with a game development tool)

Interested in new technologies

Familiarity, or an interest in developing 3D content


At least one group member should have at least beginner level skills in playing piano

Proactive and able to work to deadlines (ethics deadlines, user study)







Graphics Lab (303S.595, Lab)